I'm a GCFE! (GIAC Certified Forensic Examiner)

Today I passed the GCFE exam, making me GIAC Certified Forensic Examiner number 490. From the GIAC website,

The GCFE certification is for professionals working or interested in the information security, legal and law enforcement industries with a need to understand computer forensic analysis. The certification focuses on core skills required to collect and analyze data from Windows computer systems.
The GCFE certifies that candidates have the knowledge, skills, and ability to conduct typical incident investigations including e-Discovery, forensic analysis and reporting, evidence acquisition, browser forensics and tracing user and application activities on Windows systems.

Rock on! Oddly enough, as I was walking out the door to take the exam, we got a support request from a client who just located a stolen laptop and needs us to do some forensics on it to find out where it’s been. Great timing.

I'm Alive

So far, I’ve managed to survive the flood unscathed, besides downed power, Internet and servers. The rest of Bethel hasn’t been so lucky. Photos will follow as my Internet situation improves.


This weekend I attained a goal I set for myself sometime between 15 and 20 years ago, namely, second degree black belt (nidan) in aikido. I set this as a goal for myself during a conversation with my first aikido sensei, who said that most people, in his experience, who quit aikido did so after reaching shodan (first degree black belt). So I figured setting my sights beyond that would be a good target. Continue reading “Nidan”

When You're Going Through Hell…

Winston Churchill said “When you’re going through hell, keep going.” Brilliant man, he was. We’ve been going through email hell. Today, it continued. For some reason, our main ticketing system, which runs the Postfix mail server, decided that it had never heard of our main [email protected] email address. A simple restart of the mail server was all that was needed to fix this problem, but given that no changes have been made to this system in several days, it does give me pause as to why this problem occurred right now.
Personally, I blame Mercury.

I Try to Get Out, But They Keep Pulling Me Back In!

While my weight doesn’t appear to have moved outside the range that it was in while I was actively on the Slow Carb Diet. However, I seem to have less energy these last several days that I’ve been eating more freely, so I’m considering doing it again.
Wonderful. I’m feeling about as flip-floppy as a politician during election season.

Slow Carb Diet Fail

I believe I’ve given it a fair shot. After being on the slow carb diet for 7 of the last 8 weeks, I haven’t seen enough change to hold my attention. It’s a bit disappointing, for sure, but not the end of the world by any stretch.
Weight Over Time

Oh well. It’s certainly been fun. Binge days have been an interesting high and low, but I think I’m going to focus on other things for a while.
UPDATE: Just for comparison, here’s the progress I made on Medifast in 2008. I wonder if slow carb would have been more effective had I more weight to lose, or if Medifast would be effective on me again now.
Medifast diet progress from 2008
Update: If you are interested in trying the Slow Carb Diet, despite my failure, I encourage you, and please let me know. If you need recipe ideas, check out http://slowcarbcook.blogspot.com.