Daily Exercise

Let’s be honest, New Year’s resolutions rarely work. That’s why I don’t make them anymore. However, from time to time, when I find something worthwhile, I will still resolved to do it. I have mixed results. Therefore, leveraging a new technique I just learned, I have vowed that I will resolve to get some exercise, whether it’s kettlebell, push-ups, crunches, squats, or suburi, every day for the next 30 days.
Continue reading “Daily Exercise”


This weekend I attained a goal I set for myself sometime between 15 and 20 years ago, namely, second degree black belt (nidan) in aikido. I set this as a goal for myself during a conversation with my first aikido sensei, who said that most people, in his experience, who quit aikido did so after reaching shodan (first degree black belt). So I figured setting my sights beyond that would be a good target. Continue reading “Nidan”

Slow Carb Diet – Round Two

After some consideration, and a week off, I’ve decided to try the Slow Carb Diet once again. Attending a couple of parties this weekend gave me inspiration on highly caloric foods that I may be able to binge on without making myself sick. My week off appears to have had next to no effect, ill or otherwise, on my weight, fat, or BMI, which is simultaneously heartening and disheartening.

They Might Be Gypsies

Last night I had the pleasure of seeing They Might Be Gypsies perform at the Bethel Town Hall. They Might Be Gypsies is a gypsy jazz band, the cornerstones being father and son Greg and Aidan Ryan.
The Ryans are each very accomplished guitarists, but Greg went out of his way to display the talent of his teenage son on several occasions throughout the evening as they performed. The band included a standup bass and drummer, and I’ve been told they will arrange themselves in various configurations, performing as a duo or up to a quintet, depending on the venue.
The concert, which was sponsored by the Bethel Historical Society, featured covers of songs by Django Reinhardt and others, as well as original tunes. I especially enjoyed the guitar work, which reminded me of Mexican Mariachi style music.
The band will be recording their second studio album later this year, and I’m looking forward to it’s release.

Park Here. No, There. No Wait, Here!

Several years ago (I forget how many, maybe five), I received a letter from Bethel’s Town Manager. It stated that people who parked overnight in the public parking lot (myself included) were to park their cars on one side of the lot on specified nights, and on the other side of the lot on other nights, e.g., Monday, Wednesday, Friday, the east side, other days the west side. This made perfect sense to me and, being a good law-abiding citizen, I did just that.
Two winters ago, I found a note on my windshield from the Town Manager, asking for my help. It requested that I always park my car on the west side of the parking lot during the winter to make snow removal easier. While this did not make sense to me, being a good law-abiding citizen, I did just that.
This week, the head of our town’s road crew requested, through a verbal conversation with a third party, that I move my car and not leave it in the same spot overnight after a snow storm. Being a good law-abiding citizen, I am confused.