AT&T: We Don't Want Your Business

This week, at a client’s request, I am reviewing their entire telecommunications spending. I decided to look at four different vendors to compare their offerings. The first one I looked at was AT&T, to see if they had a comparable long distance package.
I started at Google, searching for “AT&T long distance.” The first result can be seen here.
AT&T Long Distance Google Search
I clicked the first link, which took me to an AT&T site, which can be seen here.
AT&T Long Distance
Note the phone number in the bottom left. 800.000.0000. Well, I suppose if anyone could get such a cool number, it would be AT&T. I called it. Guess what? That number doesn’t really work. Big surprise.
So I clicked the link next to it. After a few seconds, I got this:
AT&T - Not Found
Okay, then I decided to try the phone number in the upper right. I dialed 888.944.0447. I selected the option to talk to someone about long distance service. After a few seconds, a voice came on the line and said “We’re sorry, but no one is available to take your call now. Goodbye,” and I was disconnected.
AT&T? You’ve had your three strikes. You’re out. Fail.
Update: I called Sprint to get a competitive quote. Using the phone number I got from their website, I receive the standard “we’re sorry, you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again.” I did that. Three times. Sprint, apparently, also does not want our business.
Update: A friend pointed out that the page I hit was most likely “dead” and I’d get better results by starting at and working my way down from there. I did this, and did indeed find some non-dead web pages and additional telephone numbers to call, which did appear to work. However, when I called, I was redirected to someone whose mailbox was full!

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