Last night I attended the second meeting of the ECFiber Network‘s governing board, of which I am a part, representing the town of Stockbridge. As of today, 20 towns have signed the inter-local contract, joining ECFiber, with three towns stating interest, and two apparently not displaying interest.
Highlights of the meeting included election of the Executive Committee, discussion with three towns who wanted to be members but did not yet have signed ILCs because of outstanding legal concerns regarding the contracts, a status report on dealings with the VTA, a statement by a selectman from the town of Pomfret, and an announcement by Tim Nulty an Stan Williams of Continue reading “ Executive Committee, VTA Report, and Other Notes From the 20080421 meeting”
Clarification/Retraction on Bethel's Stance on
On Tuesday morning I posted information on this blog which was inaccurate. I wrote that Bethel had opted not to sign the EC Fiber Network’s inter-local agreement, and indicated that 20+ other towns had. This was not true on Tuesday, and as of today, still is not. As of Tuesday evening, only 12 towns out of 25 had signed the agreement due to questions. Continue reading “Clarification/Retraction on Bethel's Stance on”
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Virtualizing Windows XP Professional for Fun and Profit
Today I decided to finish virtualizing my copy of XP, so that I could run all of my XP apps (except my beloved World of Warcraft) under XP, while actually using Ubuntu as my native OS. This eliminates the hassle of having to maintain multiple copies of Windows, freeing up disk space, and improving performance.
But that performance comes with a price… Continue reading “Virtualizing Windows XP Professional for Fun and Profit”
Man Page Minute – chmod
chmod – change file access permissions Continue reading “Man Page Minute – chmod”
Man Page Minute – touch
touch – change file timestamps Continue reading “Man Page Minute – touch”
Man Page Minute – mkdir
mkdir – make directories Continue reading “Man Page Minute – mkdir”
Man Page Minute – rmdir
rmdir – remove empty directories Continue reading “Man Page Minute – rmdir”
Man Page Minute – rm
RM(1)??? ??? ??? ??? ?User Commands??? ??? ??? ??? ?RM(1)
rm – remove files or directories
Continue reading “Man Page Minute – rm”