100 Push Ups Wk4(r2) Day 1, 200 Sit Ups Wk3(r2) Initial

Okay, I’m starting to confuse even myself with this, but suffice to say I’m back on track, albeit a bit behind, on my push ups AND now back with the sit ups again!
So last night, I restarted Week 4 of the push ups, doing sets of 21, 25, 21, 21, and 25, and then followed it up with an initial test of sit ups, ending at 45. “More than 30” was all I needed to do to get into Week 3, so I’ll start there maybe today at lunch time.
Are you doing sit ups or push ups too? Let me know!

100 Push Ups, Week 4, Round 2!

I totally lost track of where I was, and have not been keeping up with the push ups plan. So I’m restarting Week 4 after doing an endurance test where I ended with 33. I guess I shouldn’t feel too badly about that, since I started with 20. Oh well. Here we go, again!

Security Tip: Don?t Click on Links, and Don?t Send Them Either!

By now, many of this blog’s readers have already heard me tell them why it is bad to click on links in email. Without going in to detail, it is because links can very easily be forged in email, just like they can on a web site.
Here’s an example: Where do you think this link will take you? Go ahead and try, it’s safe (I promise).


Continue reading “Security Tip: Don?t Click on Links, and Don?t Send Them Either!”

New Blog for Paradigm

This week I launched a new blog over at http://blog.paradigmcc.com. This is to be the “official” blog of my company.
Nikolaidis.com isn’t changing, and there will definitely be overlap between the two – I envision a lot of cross posts. But the other blog will have other contributors and will also be a tad lighter on the rants, heavier on the business.

Hundred Push Ups Progress: Week 3

After totally botching my exhaustion test (due, I think, to changes in the weather making my stiff and achy all over the place), I decide that my pathetic showing of 16 (pathetic, given that I’d been routinely doing more as part of week two’s sets) wasn’t quite good enough. So I proceeded in week three, column two. I was in column three for the first couple of weeks, but didn’t quite make the cut. So instead of stopping, I’m just scaling down a bit and will hopefully regain some momentum.

100 Push Ups – Stall

I was supposed to do an exhaustion test on my push ups yesterday. I did, sort of, but couldn’t get past 16. I’ve been feeling out of sorts, and am trying to decide if I should just continue on in column 2 (given I could only manage 16) or try again tomorrow, or what.
Suggestions welcome.

Book Review: Christopher Moore's "The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove"

Once again, Christopher Moore fails to disappoint. Set again in the little town of Pine Cove (which you’ll remember from his first book, Practical Demonkeeping), Christopher Moore once again brings us a supernatural comedy that made me laugh at least every other page, if not on every page, in The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove. Continue reading “Book Review: Christopher Moore's "The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove"”