Koshinage and Sensei Flashbacks

Last night, fighting a cold, I led our weekly Wednesday night Aikido basics class at the dojo here. For the second week in a row, we covered basics of koshinage (hip throw), and did drills to help build leg strength, as well as to build the kinesthetic memory and response which enables one to perform a koshinage without having to stop and think about it. Koshinage has also always been one of my weakest techniques, as the transition to my weak knee has usually been an iffy proposition at best, so I can always use the practice.
After several (many?) line drills to practice breakfalls, squats, and the footwork for koshinage, we did some simple, assisted koshi throws (where uke voluntarily puts himself in position to be thrown). To wrap things up, we did some slow koshinage from shomenchi ikkyo and katatetori nikkyo. While I was taking ukemi for a fellow student, I had a flashback, if that’s the word for it, or a view of myself in my mind’s eye, and I felt like my first sensei looked when he would take ukemi (be the receiver or the “throwee”) for a nikkyo lock. I thought that was somewhat neat, but did not dwell on it.
Here’s where it gets interesting. When class was over and we had bowed out, my kohai said that when I was executing nikkyo on him, I looked just like our old sensei when he did it. Now that was really interesting, given what I had envisioned when I was on the receiving end. There’s something going on there, I think. I just don’t know what it is

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